Using Counselling Services to Tackle Anxiety

9 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Anxiety is a common condition that affects people worldwide. Although it's common, it has the potential to turn your life upside down. Depending on the type you suffer from, it can affect your work, relationships and ability to enjoy life. Using counselling services is one way to overcome anxiety. Your counsellor may try a variety of techniques to treat you. Breaking Problems Down Having anxiety can mean that your problems seem overwhelming. Read More 

3 Benefits of Seeing a Psychologist

28 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious, it might be time to see a psychologist. A psychologist can help you identify the root of your problems and develop a plan to address them. Whether you're struggling with an addiction, depression or anxiety or simply need someone to talk to, a psychologist can help. Keep reading to find out more. Understand your thoughts and feelings Everyone has thoughts and feelings, but not everyone understands them. Read More 

Two misconceptions about depression therapists

7 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Here are two misconceptions about therapists who specialise in providing counselling for depression. Misconception: They just try to force their patients to think positively Many depressed people don't get counselling because they assume that a depression therapist would spend every counselling session trying to force them to think positively. To a severely depressed person who is consumed with difficult thoughts and feelings, the idea of being pressured into thinking positively may sound stressful and unpleasant. Read More 

3 Things to Expect During Anxiety Counselling Sessions

25 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Anxiety has become a hot topic today, especially among the youth. It can be attributed to various factors, including high expectations, social media, peer pressure, and parental disapproval. Anxiety affects the youth differently because their stress response usually kicks in at the worst possible time. That is why counselling services are essential for young people with anxiety disorders. However, knowing what to expect from anxiety counselling sessions is vital to effective treatment. Read More 

Things to Know Before You Enroll for Counselling Services

8 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Cases of mental health are on the rise today due to various factors, such as lifestyle, the negative impact of social media, and financial challenges. Therefore, it's vital to seek the help of a counsellor to change the way you think or feel. Counselling services have proved to be useful over the years, and thus you should consider them when you encounter life challenges. However, you need to be prepared for the counselling process to be productive. Read More